Be sure to give real details when entering online competitions otherwise you probably won’t be able to claim your prize if you’re Lucky enough to win! It is however a good idea to set up another email address to enter online competitions with as you will usually receive a lot of advertising and promotion emails to that address and you wouldn’t want that clogging up your work or professional email..
Don’t restrict yourself to entering the competitions with the biggest or most valuable prizes on offer as these will often be very popular meaning more entrants.. you may sometimes have better luck entering less popular and more obscure comps with smaller value prizes as there’s usually less entrants!
Use Google Chrome’s form filer auto complete tool or another tool like
Robo Form or you can download Download Google Chrome Here
Enter as many Competitions as you can to really maximize your chances of winning, as volume is a must. If you only enter one competition and don’t win, don’t lose faith and spend the rest of your life saying I never win anything, so I’m not going to waster my time entering anything ever again.. I think we all know someone like that 😉 AS with life you generally get out what you put in. There are loads of professional compers and stay at home mums that are actually making a tidy living from entering online sweepstakes, prize draws and competitions. They generally spend a number of hours everyday dedicated to posting entries. You can see a short video and more hints and tips on our dedicated page on the site here Hints & tips to win online competitions
Good luck all, please subscribe to our newsletter for more useful tips to win..